03 March 2025

Create an IDP

To import an IDP for a student you first need to navigate to the IDP staff homepage.

  1. Select IDP Staff from the left hand navigation menu. This takes you to the search page.

  2. Select Create New IDP.

  3. Use the search to find the learner who's IDP you want to import. You can search by:

    - learner name

    - person code

    - gender

    - Date of birth

    Complete at least one field then select the Show learners button. Once a list of learners appears select the learner you need to create an IDP for.

  4. Select Create IDP for Learner.

  5. Complete the details for each section of the IDP. Use the arrows to navigate between the sections.

    To save a part filled IDP navigate to the last page of the IDP and select Finish Later.

    To complete an IDP navigate to the last page of the IDP and select Complete for submission.

Sections in the IDP

Section Field Required Details
Section 1A IDP Consent N Drop down with yes/no options
Capacity Issues N Drop down with yes/no options
Capacity Issue Details N Text field to define the details of the capacity issue.
Section 1B Organisation Y Text field that can hold 35 characters
Start Date Y Enter a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or use the arrow at the end of the field to open a calendar to pick a date.
Review Target Date Y Enter a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or use the arrow at the end of the field to open a calendar to pick a date.
Proposed Review Date Y Enter a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or use the arrow at the end of the field to open a calendar to pick a date.
Section 1C Profile (About me) N -
Section 2A Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Y - at least one ALN must be recorded

To add an ALN Select the Plus button. Then use the drop downs to complete the all the required fields:

  • Provision

  • ALN Type

  • Curriculum and Teaching

  • Grouping and Support

  • Specialised Resource

  • Advice and Assessment

You can also, optionally, add a description for the ALN. Then, select Save

Repeat to add additional ALNs.

Section 2B Additional Learning Provisions (ALP) Y - at least one ALP must be recorded

To add an ALP select the Plus button. Then use the drop downs to complete all the required fields:

  • Intended Outcome

  • ALP to be Provided

  • Should the ALP be provided in Welsh

  • Organisation/Service to Provide the ALP and Contact Details

  • Start Date

  • End/Review Date

  • End/Review Status

  • Further details when an end date is selected

  • Rationale for the ALP Listed Above

Then select Save

Repeat to add additional ALPs.

Section 2C IDP NHS Provision N

To add a new NHS Provision select the Plus button. Then complete the fields. The only required field is the name, this must be completed to save the provision. The other fields are:

  • Intended Outcome

  • ALP to be provided

  • Orgnaisation/Service to Provide the ALP and Contact Details

  • Should the ALP be provided in Welsh

  • Start Date

  • End/Review Date

  • Is this an end date?

  • ALP End Review information

  • Rationale for the ALP Listed Above

Then select Save

Repeat to add additional NHS Provision.

Section 2D Named Establishment N

To add a new Named Establishment select the Plus button.

Enter the name into the field

Select Save

Repeat to add additional Named Establishment

Section 3A Record of Information - Development Information Y -
Section 3B Record of Information Y -
Previous Establishments N

To add a Previous Establishment select the Plus button. Then complete the fields.

  • Local Authority Number

  • Establishment number

  • Entry Date

  • Leaving Date

Section 3C Transition N -
Section 3D Travel Arrangements N -